1. STOP. Hit the brakes. Step back. Become an observer. Treat your symptoms. Breathe. Take time to think.
2. Preserve the relationship. Everyone has to come out of this saving face. You need every vote. Defuse. Keep perspective. Keep it light.
3. See it as an opportunity. It’s a chance to learn and a chance to practice your skills. Want this. It will make your stronger. You are being tested.
4. Make it about them. Listen to show respect and to learn. Be curious. Ask questions. Don’t take it personally. Listen for common ground. What is this really about? Empathize.
5. Use sincere honesty, not brutal honesty. Be authentic but sensitive. Be kind.
6. Treat the moment as unique. Don’t let in old baggage. Don’t generalize. Don’t bring up old issues. Don’t accuse.
© 2018 Jennifer K. Crittenden